Source code for bnlcrl.visualize

from io import StringIO  # StringIO behaves like a file object

import numpy as np

[docs]def plot_data(df, elements, property, thickness, e_min, e_max, n_points, file_name='data', x_label=None, figsize=(10, 6), show_plot=False): from matplotlib import pyplot as plt thickness = ', thickness={} [$\mathrm{{\mu}}$m]'.format(thickness) if property == 'transmission' else '' fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) axes = fig.add_subplot(111) ax = df.plot(x_label, grid=True, ax=axes) ax.set_title(r'{}: {} ({}-{} eV, {} points{})'.format( property.capitalize(), ', '.join(elements), e_min, e_max, n_points, thickness, )) ax.set_xlabel(x_label) ax.set_ylabel('{}'.format(property.capitalize())) plt.savefig('{}.png'.format(file_name)) if show_plot:
[docs]def save_to_csv(df, file_name='data', index=False): df.to_csv('{}.csv'.format(file_name), index=index)
[docs]def to_dataframe(d, elements): """Convert a list of strings, each representing the read data, to a Pandas DataFrame object. :param d: a list of strings, each representing the read data. :param elements: Chemical elements of interest. :return: a tuple of DataFrame and the parsed columns. """ import pandas as pd df = None columns = None for i, str_data in enumerate(d): element = elements[i] c = StringIO(str_data) title, columns = str_data.split('\n')[0:2] columns = [x.strip() for x in columns.strip().split(',')] columns[1] = '{} {}'.format(columns[1], element) if len(elements) > 1 else columns[1] data = np.loadtxt(c, skiprows=2) if df is None: df = pd.DataFrame(data[:, :2], columns=columns[:2]) else: df[columns[1]] = data[:, 1] return df, columns