Source code for bnlcrl.crl_simulator

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Author: Maksim Rakitin (BNL)
# 2016

from __future__ import division

import copy
import json
import math
import os

from bnlcrl.delta_finder import DeltaFinder
from bnlcrl.utils import convert_types, defaults_file, read_json

parms = defaults_file(suffix='crl')
DAT_DIR = parms['dat_dir']
CONFIG_DIR = parms['config_dir']
DEFAULTS_FILE = parms['defaults_file']

[docs]class CRLSimulator: def __init__(self, **kwargs): # Check importable libs: self._check_imports() # Get input variables: d = read_json(DEFAULTS_FILE) self.parameters = convert_types(d['parameters']) for key, default_val in self.parameters.items(): if key in kwargs.keys(): setattr(self, key, self.parameters[key]['type'](kwargs[key])) elif not hasattr(self, key) or getattr(self, key) is None: setattr(self, key, default_val['default']) # Initialize non-input variables: self.radii = None self.n = None self.T = None self.y = None self.teta = None self.ideal_focus = None self.p1 = 0 self.p1_ideal = 0 self.p1_ideal_from_source = 0 self.d = 0 self.d_ideal = 0 self.f = 0 # Read CRL config and check inputs: self.read_config_file() # defines self.config_file and self.transfocator_config self._get_available_ids() # defines self.available_ids if not self._check_ids(): if self.verbose: self.print_result() return # Initialize non-input variables using methods: self._get_lens_config() # defines self.lens_config self._calc_y0() # defines self.y0 # Find delta (the index of refraction) from other class: delta_obj = DeltaFinder(, precise=True, data_file=self.data_file, use_numpy=self.use_numpy, verbose=False, # self.verbose, calc_delta=self.calc_delta, ) = delta_obj.characteristic_value # Perform calculations: self.calc_T_total() self.calc_y_teta() self.calc_real_lens() self.calc_ideal_lens() self.d = self.calc_delta_focus(self.p1) self.d_ideal = self.calc_delta_focus(self.p1_ideal) if self.verbose: self.print_result()
[docs] def calc_delta_focus(self, p): if p is not None: d = self.d_ssa_focus - (self.p0 + p + self.transfocator_config[self._find_element_by_id(self.cart_ids[-1])][ 'offset_cart'] * self.dl_cart) else: d = None return d
[docs] def calc_ideal_focus(**kwargs): # Get input variables: d = read_json(DEFAULTS_FILE) parameters = convert_types(d['cli_functions']['calc_ideal_focus']['parameters']) for key, default_val in parameters.items(): if key in kwargs.keys(): locals()[key] = parameters[key]['type'](kwargs[key]) elif key not in locals() or locals()[key] is None: locals()[key] = default_val['default'] # Perform calculation: assert locals()['n'] > 0 assert locals()['delta'] != 0 ideal_focus = locals()['radius'] / (2. * locals()['n'] * locals()['delta']) p1_ideal = 1. / (1. / ideal_focus - 1. / locals()['p0']) p1_ideal_from_source = p1_ideal + locals()['p0'] return { 'ideal_focus': ideal_focus, 'p1_ideal': p1_ideal, 'p1_ideal_from_source': p1_ideal_from_source, }
[docs] def calc_ideal_lens(self): self._get_radii_n() if abs(sum(self.radii) / len(self.radii) - self.radii[0]) < self.radii_tolerance: d = self.calc_ideal_focus( radius=self.radii[0], n=self.n,, p0=self.p0 ) for k in d.keys(): setattr(self, k, d[k]) else: print('Radii of the specified lenses ({}) are different! Cannot calculate ideal lens.'.format(self.radii))
[docs] def calc_lens_array(self, radius, n): """Calculate accumulated T_fs for one cartridge with fixed radius. :param radius: radius. :param n: number of lenses in one cartridge. :return T_fs_accum: accumulated T_fs. """ T_dl = self._calc_T_dl(self.dl_lens) T_fs = self._calc_T_fs(radius) T_fs_accum = self._dot(self._matrix_power(self._dot(T_fs, T_dl), n - 1), T_fs) return T_fs_accum
[docs] def calc_real_lens(self): self.p1 = self.y / math.tan(math.pi - self.teta) self.f = 1 / (1 / self.p0 + 1 / self.p1)
[docs] def calc_T_total(self): dist_list = [] for i in range(len(self.cart_ids) - 1): dist_list.append(self._calc_distance(self.cart_ids[i], self.cart_ids[i + 1])) R_list = [] N_list = [] for i in range(len(self.cart_ids)): j = self._find_element_by_id(self.cart_ids[i]) name = self.transfocator_config[j]['name'] R_list.append(self.lens_config[name]['radius']) N_list.append(self.lens_config[name]['lens_number']) if len(self.cart_ids) == 1: self.T = self.calc_lens_array(R_list[0], N_list[0]) elif len(self.cart_ids) > 1: A = self._calc_T_dl(dist_list[0]) B = self.calc_lens_array(R_list[0], N_list[0]) self.T = self._dot(A, B) for i in range(len(self.cart_ids) + len(self.cart_ids) - 3): if i % 2 == 0: B = self.calc_lens_array(R_list[int((i + 2) / 2)], N_list[int((i + 2) / 2)]) self.T = self._dot(B, self.T) else: A = self._calc_T_dl(dist_list[int((i + 1) / 2)]) self.T = self._dot(A, self.T) else: raise Exception('No lenses in the beam!')
[docs] def calc_y_teta(self): (self.y, self.teta) = self._dot(self.T, [self.y0, self.teta0])
[docs] def get_inserted_lenses(self): self._get_radii_n() return { 'ids': self.cart_ids, 'radii': self.radii, 'total_lenses': self.n }
[docs] def print_result(self, output_format=None): python_data = { 'p0': self.p0, 'p1': self.p1, 'p1_ideal': self.p1_ideal, 'd': self.d, 'd_ideal': self.d_ideal, 'f': self.f, } if not output_format: output_format = self.output_format if output_format == 'csv': header = [] data = [] for key in sorted(python_data.keys()): header.append(key) data.append(python_data[key]) output_text = '{}\n{}\n'.format( ','.join(['"{}"'.format(x) for x in header]), ','.join([str(x) for x in data])) elif output_format == 'json': output_text = json.dumps( python_data, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '), ) else: # plain text output_list = [] for key in sorted(python_data.keys()): output_list.append('{}: {}'.format(key, python_data[key])) output_text = ', '.join(output_list) print(output_text) if self.outfile: with open(self.outfile, 'w') as f: f.write(output_text)
[docs] def read_config_file(self): self.config_file = os.path.join(CONFIG_DIR, '{}_crl.json'.format(self.beamline)) self.transfocator_config = read_json(self.config_file)['crl']
def _calc_distance(self, id1, id2): """Calculate distance between two arbitrary cartridges specified by ids. :param id1: id of cartridge 1. :param id2: id of cartridge 2. :return dist: calculated distance. """ el_num1 = self._find_element_by_id(id1) el_num2 = self._find_element_by_id(id2) lens_num1 = self.lens_config[self.transfocator_config[el_num1]['name']]['lens_number'] coord1 = self.transfocator_config[el_num1]['offset_cart'] * self.dl_cart coord2 = self.transfocator_config[el_num2]['offset_cart'] * self.dl_cart dist = coord2 - coord1 - lens_num1 * self.dl_lens return dist def _calc_T_dl(self, dl): T_dl = [ [1, dl], [0, 1], ] return T_dl def _calc_T_fs(self, radius): T_fs = [ [1, 0], [-1 / (radius / (2 *, 1], ] return T_fs def _calc_y0(self): self.y0 = self.p0 * math.tan(self.teta0) def _check_ids(self): """Check for incorrect input.""" if not self.cart_ids: return False for input_id in self.cart_ids: if input_id not in self.available_ids: msg = 'Specified cart_id <{}> not in the list of available ids: <{}>.' raise Exception(msg.format(input_id, ', '.join(self.available_ids))) len_total = len(self.cart_ids) len_unique = len(set(self.cart_ids)) if len_total != len_unique: msg = 'Number of non-unique cartridge ids: {}' raise Exception(msg.format(len_total - len_unique + 1)) return True def _check_imports(self): self.available_libs = { 'numpy': None, } for key in self.available_libs.keys(): try: __import__(key) setattr(self, key, __import__(key)) self.available_libs[key] = True except: self.available_libs[key] = False def _dot(self, A, B): """Multiplies matrix A by matrix B.""" if self.use_numpy and self.available_libs['numpy']: C =, B) else: B0 = B[0] lenB = len(B) lenA = len(A) if len(A[0]) != lenB: # Check matrix dimensions raise Exception('Matrices have wrong dimensions') if isinstance(B0, list) or isinstance(B0, tuple): # B is matrix lenB0 = len(B0) C = [[0 for _ in range(lenB0)] for _ in range(lenA)] for i in range(lenA): for j in range(lenB0): for k in range(lenB): C[i][j] += A[i][k] * B[k][j] else: # B is vector C = [0 for _ in range(lenB)] for i in range(lenA): for k in range(lenB): C[i] += A[i][k] * B[k] return C def _find_element_by_id(self, id): element_number = None for i in range(len(self.transfocator_config)): if id == self.transfocator_config[i]['id']: element_number = i break return element_number def _find_lens_parameters_by_id(self, id): return self._find_lens_parameters_by_name(self._find_name_by_id(id)) def _find_lens_parameters_by_name(self, name): return self.lens_config[name] def _find_name_by_id(self, id): real_id = self._find_element_by_id(id) name = self.transfocator_config[real_id]['name'] return name def _get_available_ids(self): self.available_ids = [] for i in range(len(self.transfocator_config)): self.available_ids.append(self.parameters['cart_ids']['element_type'](self.transfocator_config[i]['id'])) def _get_lens_config(self): self.lens_config = {} for i in self.r_array: for j in self.lens_array: self.lens_config['T_{}_{}'.format(j, i)] = { 'radius': i * 1e-6, 'lens_number': j, } def _get_radii_n(self): self.radii = [] self.n = 0 for i in self.cart_ids: name = self._find_name_by_id(i) lens = self._find_lens_parameters_by_name(name) self.radii.append(lens['radius']) self.n += lens['lens_number'] def _matrix_power(self, A, n): """Multiply matrix A n times. :param A: input square matrix. :param n: power. :return B: resulted matrix. """ if len(A) != len(A[0]): raise Exception('Matrix is not square: {} x {}'.format(len(A), len(A[0]))) if self.use_numpy and self.available_libs['numpy']: B = self.numpy.linalg.matrix_power(A, n) else: if n > 0: B = copy.deepcopy(A) for i in range(n - 1): B = self._dot(A, B) elif n == 0: B = [] for i in range(len(A)): row = [] for j in range(len(A[0])): if i == j: row.append(1) else: row.append(0) B.append(row) else: raise Exception('Negative power <{}> is not supported for matrix power operation.'.format(n)) return B